Self Managed Superannuation Fund Setup
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Establishing an SMSF does not end with the creation of a trust and appointing trustees. There are a lot of moving parts within an SMSF and strict regulations that apply. As a member of an SMSF, you’re in charge of every aspect of the fund. That means filing taxes, searching for investment opportunities, and every other responsibility assumed by a professional fund manager. Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll be responsible for after setting up an SMSF:
- Filing tax returns;
- Managing fund investments;
- Cashing benefits to members;
- Filing annual returns;
- Preparing annual financial statement;
- Preparing trustee minutes;
- Appointing an SMSF auditor; and
- Ensuring compliance to the constantly changing superannuation and taxation legislation.
Those are just a few things you’ll be doing as an SMSF trustee, enough to make anyone come out of retirement. Most of these roles are assigned to a single professional in a professionally managed fund. Having four people attend to these obligations in an SMSF may be asking a lot of them. We find that this can be a leading cause of people being turned off with the idea when researching on how to set up SMSF.
Pain Free SMSF Setup
Saving a percentage of your income for retirement sounds like a great idea until you realize the $100,000 you have tucked away today may not buy as much 10 years into the future. A great nest egg needs to be resistant to inflation, securing its future value.
A Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) may be your key to securing your financial future when you retire.
What is an SMSF?
Think of an SMSF as a do-it-yourself superannuation fund. Like most DIY projects, you’re in charge of every aspect of the fund, and for the most part, you and other fund members fly solo. As a trustee of the SMSF, you decide on how the SMSF Investment Strategy. Setting up an SMSF involves establishing a trust and appointing two to four individual trustees or a corporate trustee. The trustees are ultimately responsible for the management of the fund.
What benefits does an SMSF offer?
Most people opt to set up an SMSF for the degree of control it provides because you and other members of the SMSF decide on the best investment decisions to maximise benefits. Since setting up an SMSF gives you full control over investment decisions, you are not at the mercy of a fund manager you don’t even know, constantly praying they don’t blow up your investment.
All the Benefits Without the Obligations
With our help, you can have the best of both worlds. You can enjoy the control that comes with being a member of an SMSF while we take care of the compliance obligations. Our SMSF Accountants do all the heavy lifting, while you enjoy the benefits of your SMSF investment strategy. You will never have headaches surrounding compliance, auditing, tax filing, and other administrative aspects of an SMSF with our help. You get to have full knowledge that you’re in complete control of your future and that of your nominees. Setting up an SMSF has never been easier with our professional accountants there to help at every step of the way.
Secure your future today with the help of our SMSF Setup specialists.
How to Set Up an SMSF
Setting up a SMSF can allow you to be in-charge of the SMSF investment strategy rather than someone else making decisions for your retirement savings. But setting up an SMSF ceases to be an attractive prospect for most people when they realise the sheer amount of effort involved including:
- Choosing whether to have individual trustees or a corporate trustee;
- Creating the trust and a trust deed;
- Checking if your fund is an Australian superfund;
- Registering the SMSF and getting an ABN;
- Setting up an SMSF Bank account;
- Getting the electronic service address; and
- Preparing an exit strategy.
You need a trusted SMSF adviser to figure out the best setup strategy and Auditax Accountants have a lot of experience in setting up an SMSF. From paperwork to handling SISA and SISR compliance matters, we will ensure your SMSF gets the best possible start. It is the ATOs final decision whether to approve a SMSF. They review the setup process from start to finish and make sure that the trustee understands their responsibilities completely. If there is any doubt, they have the right to interview the trustee. This interview can be very detailed and our SMSF advisers can help you prepare for the interview. Our ongoing compliance services will also lead to a smoother transition from setup to regular operation.
Auditax Accountants offer a wide array of Accounting services to businesses throughout Australia.
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COVID-19 Relief for SMSFs
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